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First Response Course (Module 10A)

Together with BushScout.UK, and the Queen Scouts Working Party ,  ScoutMed are currently supporting the Scouts by providing trainers to run First Response (Module 10A) courses.

If you are Group, District or County/Area based then please contact your local training team for help in finding a course local to you.

Counties or Regions looking for Trainers to help in the running of a course organised by themselves then please contact the National First Aid Delivery Co-Ordinator at firstaid@scouts.org.uk who will co-ordinate with us.

First Response  - for members unable to attend a local course.

If you are a member of a National Scout Active Support Unit, or unable to access a local course then you are welcome to join one of our 2.5 hours instructor lead zoom calls below. Sign up by clicking on the "month" below

These courses will follow the Hampshire Scouts format (as approved by HQ); so you need to complete the Hampshire self lead training session prior to attend one of our instructor lead zoom courses. You can find out more about the Hampshire model and enrol for the self lead learning elements by clicking here. Please note that these are available to all members of the Scouts not just Hampshire County.

Attending both these elements will meet the requirements for Module 10A. In order to complete the entire First Aid modules you will also need to attend a short face to face session (Module 10B) when your county/area permits, more information is available by clicking here 

If you have any problems booking a place or need any additional help please email admin@scoutmed.org

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